Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Scans

I had to scan and take a look at my follicles every 3 days. At HUKM, the scan is done by a technician, whom I am not even sure if capable of producing a decent result, or interpret what she sees. The then attending technician seemed rude and not bothered to explain to me how many follicles I had or showed me the screen. Infact, she rudely snapped at me and said..... she had not counted the follicles yet when I asked her how many I had.

So from the 3 scans I had before egg retrieval, according to the report:
1. First scan - 12 follicles, average size was about 7-8mm
2. Second scan - 12 follicles, average size about 12-16mm
3 3rd scan - 20 follicles! 12 from the first 2 scans were averaging 18-20mm and the rest were very small 4-6mm.

If you ask me, its a sure sign of OHSS to come. Of course at that time, I did not know that.

So at the final scan (day 12), I was also at the end of my Puregon shots. Oh and I was injecting Octogonyl at day 5 of the Puregon shots to mature the eggs. I was ready for egg retrieval on day 14. I was told to take an HCG shot exactly 48 hours before my egg retrieval appointment.

By this time, I still had no mood swings or any kind of side effects. Infact hubby and I were happy and positive going throught the procedure. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, found your blog while searching for ivf at hukm. Im a msian living in the US and planning to go back to do ivf. Whts your status as of now? Does the ivf works for you?

    Regards, Farina.
