Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What had happened

I have not updated in a while. I was rather depressed and not in the mood to write anything. Now that things are better, I am ready to talk.

This is what happened.

A few days before Ramadan I decided to pay doctor Hamid Arsyat, a famous fertility specialist a visit. I explained the whole thing, the blood tests, anovulation, the number of doctors I've seen. He also did the usual, vaginal ultrasound and normal ultrasound. He says that my uterus and ovaries looked fine. But he is unsure about my fallopian tubes. To check my fallopian tubes, I need to do a test called HSG, which is a type of scan where they would inject a die into the cervix to map out the uterus and Fallopian tubes.

I was nervous yet excited to do the test as I was keen to finally find out what was wrong. At the panel imaging center I did the HSG scan. They injected the die and it really hurt! It felt like a very severe period cramp, which I've never experienced before. It turns out that both my tubes were blocked which was why it was so painful. After the x-rays were taken, the radiologist attempted to help me unblock the tubes by injecting more die. The pain was unbearable! The assisting nurse announced that they managed to unblock one tube. Back at Dr. Hamid's clinick he suggests that I do a laproscopy. Just like what the other 2 doctors had recommended. We decided to get it over and done with.

So last Sunday I checked into pantai hospital for surgery on Monday. I was nervous as hell. I had a lot of fun activities over that weekend such as weddings, gatherings and parties. I thought I cancel all of than in anticipation that I would not feel up to it. It was on old, old friends wedding and I could not bear to miss it. I decided not to feel sorry for myself and decided to attend all my functions that weekend. I checked into the hospital on Sunday with good spirits.

I began my fast from mid night Sunday. My surgery was some time in the morning as I was third in line. I was in tears with fear and anxiety. The nurses did a great job in comforting me. They also gave me a jab to keep me calm. It worked very well!

At around 8 .3O am they wheeled me down to the operating theatre. The jab they gave me worked. I was very relaxed. I could not feel anything! After waiting for like eternity at the waiting area, they wheeled me into the operating theatre. There, they put me to sleep.

I woke up with a little pain on the left of my abdomen. Immediately I thought, "oh no, they did an open surgery". They gave me a jab for the pain. I drifted in and out of sleep. Finally they took me back to my room. There, my beloved husband and my parents were waiting for me.

It turns out that my left fallopian tube was blocked. The doctor did a laprotomy to unblock it. He says that the right tube was fine, which was probrably the tube that was unblocked during the HSG.

I rested in hospital for 5 days and now am I home on a months break from work.

I am relieved and happy that the problem is all sorted out. Now, I can look forward to trying again.

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