Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Buah Hawa

I went to see Dr. Aziz at Gleneagles to ask him of alternatives instead of a laproscopy. He suggested to do an X-ray. They will inject a die into my uterus and the die will show in the X-ray mapping out the uterus and fallopian tubes. This way, they can see if there are any blockages. I thought, since it is not as invasive as the laproscopy, I’d give it a shot. The clinic contacted the radiology department for me, and apparently they could only do the X-ray on day 9 of my cycle. At that time, I was already day 11. So I had to wait till next month.

The Chinese meds so far is great. I have no side effects whatsoever. I’m just wondering if it works. I’ve been charting my body temperature every morning and built a really cool chart J Today is day 16 on my cycle and the temperature took a dip. When a dip occurs, it means that I will be ovulating soon! I am going to use the ovulating test kit to double check that. Hopefully I see some results!

Yesterday, a colleague at the office gave me some buah hawa from Mecca. Apparently, it is very sought after for fertility. He had a whole lot lying around at home, which he has no use for, so he gave some to me. Isn’t that sweet! Its like a rezeki that just fell on my lap. I got to figure out how you eat it though. I don’t even know how to open it

Anybody have any ideas?

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